My college buddies wanted to welcome, and bond with, two foreign-based buddies, through a Laguna Day tour. I suggested to have a combination of an early Laguna Visita Iglesia and a cultural-food trip, and we were able to do so on March 8, 2020, amidst the start of the spread of COVID-19, and a day before President Duterte declared a State of Public Health Emergency.

For foreign readers, know more about Visita Iglesia in a related post: Foreign Seniors Ask: WHAT IS VISITA IGLESIA?

I searched for a simple Visita Iglesia Prayer Guide and sent it beforehand, via Viber, to the group so we could easily access the prayers via our cellphones. Here is the link:

I am based in Lumban, Laguna, so I met them in a branch of McDonalds, in Sta Cruz, Laguna slightly before 9AM. They were able to stretch a bit after a long trip of almost 3 hours from Metro Manila, braving the traffic and on-going road constructions. I told them not to have a heavy breakfast before leaving Metro Manila and just buy coffee in the said fast food establishment.

Let Tita S tell you about this early Visita Iglesia cum historical-cultural-food trip:

Since we were in Sta. Cruz, I first brought them to the tallest Rizal statue in the world, located in the Laguna Sports Complex, Barangay Bubukal. See my post about this statue in Laguna, Philippines: TWO TALLEST RIZAL MONUMENTS IN THE WORLD


We then proceeded towards the town of Pangil, about half an hour away. Why? I wanted to start with the farthest town in the fourth district of Laguna that I wanted them to visit.

Passing through the town of Lumban, we stopped by a bakery specializing in hot malunggay pandesal, bought newly home-made kesong puti, and ate in the van, enroute to our first church-stop.   pandesal-kesong puti-collage-lumban

Here are the seven Laguna churches we visited for our early 2020 Visita Iglesia (name of church – town):

  1. Nuestra Señora de la Natividad Parish Church – Pangil
  2. Peter of Alcantara Parish Church – Pakil
  3. James the Apostle Parish Church – Paete
  4. Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Church – Pagsanjan
  5. Mary Magdalene Parish Church – Magdalena
  6. John the Baptist Parish Church – Liliw
  7. San Antonio de Padua Parish Church – Pila

All these seven churches are unique and special, and Tita S will tell you why, as she chronologically recalls the day.

On our way to our first church, we picked up a local kakanin of Pangil, Suman Binamban. I will write about it after this pandemic. Basically, it is a square, steamed, native rice cake made of sticky rice, sugar, with strips of, or chopped, buko, cooked in coconut milk, and individually wrapped in coconut leaves. We enjoyed it even before we arrived in Pangil. See, I told you this was a food trip too! Hot pandesal with kesong puti and suman, even before our first church-stop. Burp!  z-pandesal-kputi-suman-collage

Anyway, we finally arrived at Nuestra Señora de la Natividad Parish Church of the town of Pangil, recited our Visita Iglesia prayer for the first church, reflected, prayed for personal concerns and included protection and a cure for COVID-19.

Pangil Church-cover pic

Pangil Church-148-20- commons.wikimedia.orgInterior, facing the altar, Nuestra Señora de la Natividad Parish Church, Pangil, Laguna Source: Judgefloro, own work, created 12 May 2019,ñora_de_la_Natividad_Parish_Church_20.jpg

Pangil Church-148-back - commons.wikimedia.orgInterior, looking at the entrance, Nuestra Señora de la Natividad Parish Church, Pangil, Laguna – Source: Judgefloro, own work, created 12 May 2019,ñora+de+la+natividad+parish+church&title=Special:Search&go=Go&nsO=1&ns6=1&ns12=1&ns14=1&ns100=1&ns106=1#/media/File:148.Nuestra_Señora_de_la_Natividad-Parish-Church_15.jpg

Pangil Church-fr FB acct

The statues of Nuestra Señora de la O (Our Lady of the O) and Santo Niño de la O (Holy Child of the O) were gifts of King Carlos III of Spain to Nuestra Señora de la Natividad Parish Church, Pangil, Laguna – Source: Facebook account: Nuestra Señora de la Natividad Parish – Pangil, Laguna

Pangil Church-cropped-POST

The statue of Nuestra Señora de la O (Our Lady of the O) to the right of the altar, Nuestra Señora de la Natividad Parish Church, Pangil, Laguna

If you want to virtually visit this church, a la Visita Iglesia, through this post by looking at the pictures above, here is the prayer for the first church:


(Kneel)    In the Name…     L: Let us praise the Lord,       A: and give him thanks!


L: Holy Spirit, you who reveal Jesus to us, help us to discover him in his Eucharistic presence;

Beneath the veil of the Host, show us the powerful and generous Christ of the Gospels;

Let us see the Good Shepherd who knows each one of us, watches over us and calls us by name;

Allow us to listen to the incomparable Master who presents His doctrine and wishes to enlighten us in all things.

A: Let us touch the Savior whose contact heals, and transforms bodies and souls;

Let us recognize this friend, happy to live with us and share our human existence;

Allow us to recognize the victim of Calvary who spares nothing of the gift of Himself to obtain for us pardon and holiness.

Give us a profound attachment to Jesus in the Eucharist; that his ardent desire to remain among us be met by our readiness to welcome Him.

L: Holy Virgin, you who knew how to look at Jesus and penetrate the most profound depth of his person:

Teach us to look at Him, to look at him at length and quietly, in the tabernacle where he is present.

Teach us to listen in silence to the words which he speaks to us and establish an intimate dialogue with him.

A: Let us see the marvels which he desires to work in the depths of our souls.

Teach us to appreciate his closeness to us and the immeasurable friendship he shows us.

Help us to respond to his love with all the fire of our being, and like you, to immerse ourselves in a loving gaze on him.

L: Lord Jesus, as we contemplate on the miracle of your precious Body and Blood, help us to revere this sacred mystery more in our daily life. May we reflect and ponder on your great love for us that made you offer yourself as a Holy and Living Sacrifice for all. Teach us to love you in every Altar at every Mass. May we recognize your sacred presence in Holy Communion. Most of all, help us to live in the spirit of the wondrous sacrament of love and sacrifice for all.

You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.



Reader: From the Gospel of John. (14, 1-7)

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”

Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.  If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

The Gospel of the Lord.

All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!


(kneel)   Prayer:

Lord Jesus, you truly are the Way, which leads us to the Father. You are the Truth, where we find all knowledge and wisdom we need to face every day’s struggles. You are the Life, for without you we are nothing. We praise you this night and thank you for the gift of your Eucharistic Presence.

You never leave us alone. You shared with us this sacred meal for us to partake, and share with others, for our salvation. Transform us to your image, and help us to live continually according to your law. May we continuously show our love for the holy Eucharist, which is our way, truth and life in our daily struggles until we come to see you in eternal glory. Amen.

(We shall spend this time for our personal prayer.)

All: Soul of Christ, sanctify me; Body of Christ, save me; Blood of Christ, inebriate me;

Water from the side of Christ, wash me; Passion of Christ, strengthen me;

O good Jesus, hear me; within Thy wounds, hide me;

Permit me not to be separated from Thee; from the malignant enemy, defend me

In the hour of my death, call me, and bid me come unto Thee

That with thy Saints I may praise Thee, forever and ever, Amen.

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be… In the name of the Father …

Here are the highlights about the first church we visited:

  • Nuestra Señora de la Natividad Parish Church, or Our Lady’s Nativity Parish Church, is the only church in the Philippines dedicated to a pregnant Virgin Mary, located in Pangil, Laguna.
  • The statue of Nuestra Señora de la O (Our Lady of the O) and the statue of Santo Niño de la O (Holy Child of the O) were gifts of King Carlos III of Spain.


Our second church was St. Peter of Alcantara Parish Church in the nearby town of Pakil, about 20 minutes away from Pangil. We recited the Visita Iglesia prayer for the second church, reflected, prayed for personal concerns and again included protection and a cure for COVID-19.

Pakil Church-cover pic-collage

Pakil_Church-wiki-Richard EusebioSaint Peter of Alcantara Parish Church, Pakil, Laguna, Home of Our Lady of Turumba    By Richard Eusebio, own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, created 30 November 2011,,_Laguna.jpg


Photo of St. Peter of Alcantara is the profile picture of the Facebook account: Saint Peter of Alcantara Parish; photo of the original image of the oil painting of Our Lady of Sorrows of Turumba was taken by Randy Caponpon, DM, https://en.






Photos in the collage were obtained from

If you want to virtually visit this church, ala Visita Iglesia, through this post by looking at the pictures, here is the prayer for the second church:


(Kneel)   In the Name…       L: Let us praise the Lord,       A: and give him thanks!


L: Holy Spirit, you who reveal Jesus to us, help us to discover him in his Eucharistic presence;

Beneath the veil of the Host, show us the powerful and generous Christ of the Gospels;

Let us see the Good Shepherd who knows each one of us, watches over us and calls us by name;

Allow us to listen to the incomparable Master who presents His doctrine and wishes to enlighten us in all things.

A: Let us touch the Savior whose contact heals, and transforms bodies and souls;

Let us recognize this friend, happy to live with us and share our human existence;

Allow us to recognize the victim of Calvary who spares nothing of the gift of Himself to obtain for us pardon and holiness.

Give us a profound attachment to Jesus in the Eucharist; that his ardent desire to remain among us be met by our readiness to welcome Him.

L: Holy Virgin, you who knew how to look at Jesus and penetrate the most profound depth of his person:

Teach us to look at Him, to look at him at length and quietly, in the tabernacle where he is present.

Teach us to listen in silence to the words which he speaks to us and establish an intimate dialogue with him.

A: Let us see the marvels which he desires to work in the depths of our souls.

Teach us to appreciate his closeness to us and the immeasurable friendship he shows us.

Help us to respond to his love with all the fire of our being, and like you, to immerse ourselves in a loving gaze on him.

L: Lord Jesus, as we contemplate on the miracle of your precious Body and Blood, help us to revere this sacred mystery more in our daily life. May we reflect and ponder on your great love for us that made you offer yourself as a Holy and Living Sacrifice for all. Teach us to love you in every Altar at every Mass. May we recognize your sacred presence in Holy Communion. Most of all, help us to live in the spirit of the wondrous sacrament of love and sacrifice for all.

You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.


(sit)   Reader: From the Gospel of John. (15, 1-8)

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.  You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.  If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.  This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

The Gospel of the Lord.

All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!


(kneel)   Prayer:

We are truly connected to you, Lord Jesus. Like the vine and its branches, we continually receive the grace and life from you alone. We especially remember this in the Holy Eucharist. Your body is the food which nourishes our spirit and makes us live more according to your will.

We pray, Jesus! Continue to nourish us in body and spirit through the Bread of Life which you provide us in every Mass we attend. Enliven in us the sacredness of this Sacrament that we may continuously live as what you will. Amen.

We shall spend this time for our personal prayer.

All: Soul of Christ, sanctify me; Body of Christ, save me; Blood of Christ, inebriate me

Water from the side of Christ, wash me; Passion of Christ, strengthen me

O good Jesus, hear me; within Thy wounds, hide me

Permit me not to be separated from Thee; from the malignant enemy, defend me

In the hour of my death, call me, and bid me come unto Thee

That with thy Saints I may praise Thee, forever and ever. Amen.

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be… In the name of the Father …

Here are the highlights about our second church and related information:

  • Saint Peter of Alcantara Parish Church, in the Pakil, Laguna, under the patronage of Peter of Alcantara, was designated the Diocesan Shrine of Nuestra Señora de los Dolores de Turumba. It enshrines the Our Lady of Sorrows of Turumba painting. Know more about the latter in my post: NOW YOU KNOW: NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LOS DOLORES DE TURUMBA
  • Adjoining the church, at the second floor, passing through the right side of the church, is an adoration room/chapel in honor of Our Lady of Turumba. The original oil painting, found by fishermen, can also be found inside the chapel. When you have the time after this pandemic, why not visit this chapel for its miraculous oil? Read more in my post:  ST. PETER OF ALCANTARA PARISH CHURCH, PAKIL, LAGUNA
  • The Chancery of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Pablo confirmed that the diocese received a letter from Santos Cardinal Abril, Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome. The letter conferred a Spiritual Bond of Affinity between the basilica and the church of Pakil.
  • The Turumba Festival, in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows of Turumba, is the longest religious celebration in the Philippines. It consists of seven Turumba novenas, or lupi, for seven months, commemorating the seven sorrows of the Virgin Mary, starting on the Friday preceding Palm Sunday. I featured this festival in another post: NOW YOU KNOW: TURUMBA FESTIVAL, PAKIL, LAGUNA.

Read more about this church in my post: ST. PETER OF ALCANTARA PARISH CHURCH, PAKIL, LAGUNA

The third church was St. James the Apostle Parish Church, in the next town called Paete, about 2 km away from Pakil. We recited the Visita Iglesia prayer for the third church, reflected, prayed for personal concerns and again included protection and a cure for COVID-19.

Paete Church-collage-cover pic

Paete_Church-facade-wikiFacade, Saint James the Apostle Parish Church, Paete, Laguna – Photo by Carlo Joseph M. Moskito, own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, created 15 October 2014,,_Laguna.jpg

Paete-church-interiorInterior, St. James the Apostle Parish Church, Paete, Laguna

Paete-church-murals-collage-POSTMurals, Interior, St. James the Apostle Parish Church, Paete, Laguna


Intricate metalwork and stained glass window, St. James the Apostle Parish Church, Paete, Laguna

If you want to virtually visit this church, ala Visita Iglesia, through this post by looking at the pictures, here is the prayer for the third church:


(Kneel)       In the Name…       L: Let us praise the Lord,       A: and give him thanks!


L: Holy Spirit, you who reveal Jesus to us, help us to discover him in his Eucharistic presence;

Beneath the veil of the Host, show us the powerful and generous Christ of the Gospels;

Let us see the Good Shepherd who knows each one of us, watches over us and calls us by name;

Allow us to listen to the incomparable Master who presents His doctrine and wishes to enlighten us in all things.

A: Let us touch the Savior whose contact heals, and transforms bodies and souls;

Let us recognize this friend, happy to live with us and share our human existence;

Allow us to recognize the victim of Calvary who spares nothing of the gift of Himself to obtain for us pardon and holiness.

Give us a profound attachment to Jesus in the Eucharist; that his ardent desire to remain among us be met by our readiness to welcome Him.

L: Holy Virgin, you who knew how to look at Jesus and penetrate the most profound depth of his person:

Teach us to look at Him, to look at him at length and quietly, in the tabernacle where he is present.

Teach us to listen in silence to the words which he speaks to us and establish an intimate dialogue with him.

A: Let us see the marvels which he desires to work in the depths of our souls.

Teach us to appreciate his closeness to us and the immeasurable friendship he shows us.

Help us to respond to his love with all the fire of our being, and like you, to immerse ourselves in a loving gaze on him.

L: Lord Jesus, as we contemplate on the miracle of your precious Body and Blood, help us to revere this sacred mystery more in our daily life. May we reflect and ponder on your great love for us that made you offer yourself as a Holy and Living Sacrifice for all. Teach us to love you in every Altar at every Mass. May we recognize your sacred presence in Holy Communion. Most of all, help us to live in the spirit of the wondrous sacrament of love and sacrifice for all.

You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.


(sit)  Reader: From the Gospel of John. (15, 9-17)

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.  My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command: Love each other. “

The Gospel of the Lord.

All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!


(kneel)   Prayer:

You loved us, Lord Jesus. You loved us until your death. You loved us as friends. You loved us with an ultimate love. This is far greater than anything we can feel or imagine! You commanded us to extend the same love to others, without anything in reserve. Your love remains with us in the Eucharist, this love we receive in every Communion when we eat your precious Body and drink your sacred Blood. This is the great manifesto of your love for us.

Teach us to show greater love for you in the Holy Sacrifice. Make us receive you in a greater disposition, prepared and in the state of grace. Every time we sin against you, help us to be sorry first for our iniquities before we accept you in Communion. Make every moment a loving one with your divine presence in us. And when the priest tells us, Ite, Missa Est, guide us as we become a living Eucharist of love to our brothers and sisters, even to the point of offering our lives for you and for them. Amen.

We shall spend this time for our personal prayer.

All: Soul of Christ, sanctify me; Body of Christ, save me; Blood of Christ, inebriate me

Water from the side of Christ, wash me; Passion of Christ, strengthen me

O good Jesus, hear me within Thy wounds, hide me;

Permit me not to be separated from Thee; from the malignant enemy, defend me

In the hour of my death, call me, and bid me come unto Thee

That with thy Saints I may praise Thee, forever and ever. Amen.

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be… In the name of the Father …

Here are the highlights about our third church:

  • James the Apostle Parish Church is a Roman Catholic church, under the patronage of St. James the Apostle, located in Paete, Laguna.
  • The intricate retablo pieces were made by Paetenian natives, known for their wood carving skills.
  • This church is known for its century-old murals, huge collection of images depicting the Passion of Christ, and wooden images of saints.
  • The large wall paintings on wood panels inside the church were executed by a notable son of Paete, Luciano Dans. These depict Heaven, Earth and Hell (Langit, Lupa, Impiyerno), and large murals of St. Christopher (San Cristobal). Dans used natural color pigments mixed with volcanic ash and brushes made from cats’ hair to create the murals. Awesome murals but are currently being restored due to termite infestation.
  • At the start of the Lenten season, owners of privately owned religious images that were handed down from generations put up an exhibit of their religious icons on the church’s hall. My group was privileged to see this collection of vintage religious images.

Read more about this church in my post: ST. JAMES THE APOSTLE PARISH CHURCH, PAETE, LAGUNA

We stopped by a big souvenir store and some of the members of the group bought wooden carvings and decorations. Sorry, no pictures this visit.

Paete-shop-carvings-collage-POSTThese pictures were taken during my Visita Iglesia 2011.

Before we knew it, it was already 1PM, and most of us were hungry. We opted to dine at my favorite Japanese restaurant in Pagsanjan, Hana Japanese Restaurant. If you want to know more about this restaurant, read my post: HANA: HAPPY TUMMY ALL THE TIME!

Hana-collage-for-VI postPhotos in collage obtained from the official Facebook account of Hana:

We did not order dessert in Hana because my buddies wanted to try the halo-halo of Aling Taleng’s Halo-Halo. What is unique about the halo-halo served in this restaurant is the topping, sweetened tubo (ng niyog)! I need to feature this ingredient and restaurant in the future.


AlingTaleng-other prdts-collage

Please join us to the next four churches in the next post (LAGUNA VISITA IGLESIA 2020: PART 2 (OF 2)), not only to known more about Laguna, but hopefully finish your virtual Visita Iglesia: LAGUNA VISITA IGLESIA 2020: PART 2 (OF 2)

  • Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Church, in the town of Pagsanjan
  • Mary Magdalene Parish Church, in the town of Magdalena
  • John the Baptist Parish Church, in the town of Liliw
  • San Antonio de Padua Parish Church, in the town of Pila

I purposely did not use any footnotes in this two-part Visita Iglesia post. If you want to know more about the seven churches we visited, please visit the links I provided.

This is not a sponsored post. I just want my readers to know more about the Philippines.

Did you find this post informative? I would like to hear from you about any Visita Iglesia you made in Laguna or elsewhere.

See other interesting places through other posts in this category and other categories of SCapades, Pinoy Delights, and Smart Traveler – Now You Know, Short and Simple, and Say, Say, Say. Happy reading, and I hope that you will appreciate what I shared and some of the featured destinations will be part of your future travel plans!

Remember to share this post with your friends, follow me by clicking on the bottom right corner of your device, and do not forget to like this post. Thank you.

HAPPY TUMMY ALL THE TIME AT HANA (Pagsanjan, Laguna, Philippines)

Konnichiwa (“Hello”) from Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant, or simply HANA, my family’s third place1! You have to try this restaurant when you go to, or pass by, the town of Pagsanjan!

It is located along the National Highway, Barangay Sampalocan, in the town of Pagsanjan, province of Laguna, Philippines.

I was told by Eileen Christina Nishino, the wife of the current owner, that “shin” means “first” and “hana” means “flower”.

Hana, the favorite Japanese restaurant in Pagsanjan of my family, was established in 2004 by Masami Nishino. It had an original total seating capacity of 35. When he passed away, his son, Masami Nishino, Jr., took over and, in 2014, had it renovated to its current state.

You cannot miss this restaurant which is located along the national highway in Pagsanjan. Coming from Sta. Cruz, Laguna and driving towards Pagsanjan’s famous arch, it is easy to spot Hana to the right of the Iglesia ni Cristo church.



It has parking good for only 5 vehicles so come early, or double park, but you may be requested to move your vehicle when needed.

It has a casual, but cozy, dining area, and business hours are daily from 11 am till 10 pm.1-Hana-interior-left


The sushi bar and pantry are open so you can see how orders are made. During busy hours, the owner himself prepares orders like maki2, sashimi3 and sushi4.

Hana offers different kinds of: maki2, sashimi3, sushi4, soups, salads, agemono5, onigiri6, donburi7, bento8, teppanyaki9, yakkimono10, nabemono11, ramen12, soba13, udon14,angus beef15 selections, desserts and drinks.

You are warmly greeted by a female waitstaff once you pass through the sliding entrance door.  She escorts you to an available, and appropriate, table for your party/group. Menu cards are distributed and orders are taken.

Complimentary tazukuri16 is served while orders are prepared. Disposable wooden chopsticks are provided. You may request for their complimentary house rice tea, and fork/spoon, if you so desire.

1-Food-Rice tea        a welcome treat: complimentary house rice tea, Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant

Dearest Seniors, do not hesitate to inquire about their bestsellers and what the Japanese terms are, if you are not familiar with certain Japanese dishes. The cheerful and efficient waitresses are very helpful and will patiently explain menu items to customers. I hope my footnotes in this post will somehow help you too.

Hana offers the following maki2: California Maki, Crab Maki, Futomaki, Kappa Maki, Oshinko Maki, Salmon Maki, Tamago Maki, Teka Maki, and Unagi Maki.1-Hana-Menu-maki

1-Food-Maki collage            Marvelous Maki (l-r): CALIFORNIA MAKI, FUTO MAKI, KEPPA MAKI and TEKA MAKI                                             (photos taken from the Facebook account: Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant)

There are seven kinds of sashimi3: crab, salmon, sashimimoriwase, shimesaba, squid, tamagoyaki, and tuna.1-Hana-Menu-sashimi

1-Food-Sashimi Moriawase-fr Hana                                                                        SASHIMI MORIAWASE                                                                                                     (photos taken from the Facebook account: Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant)

Eight variations of sushi4 are available: crab, ebiko, salmon, shimesaba, squid, tamago, tuna, and unagi.1-Hana-Menu-sushi

1-Food-Sushi collage                        Sushi delights – KANI SUSHI and MAGURO SUSHI (limited period only) –                                                         photos taken from the Facebook account: Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant

Two soups (Miso Soup and Tamago Soup) and four salads (California Salad, Crab Salad, Grilled Chicken Salad, and Potato Salad) are offered as well.1-Hana-Menu-soup-salad

Different kinds of agemono5 are available: Agedashi Tofu, Atsuage Tofu, Chicken Karaage, Chicken Katsu, Ebi Fry, Kisu Fry, Korokke, Crab/Fish/Shrimp/Vegetable/Mixed Tempura, and Tonkatsu.1-Hana-Menu-agemono

1-Food-Agemono collage                  Savoring shrimps at Hana – EBI TEMPURA and SHRIMP TEMPURA                                                                hotos taken from the Facebook account: Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant)

1-Food-Chicken Karaage-fr Hana                                                            CHICKEN KARAAGE                                                                                                           (photo taken from the Facebook account: Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant)

Hana also offers the following variations of onigiri6: Gohan, Hiya Yako, Kimchee, Ochazuke, Okaka, Oshinko, Plum, Salmon, Wakame Kyurisunomono, and Yaki Meshi.1-Hana-Menu-onigiri

There are nine kinds of donburi7: Chicken/Pork Katsudon, Chicken Teriyakidon, Gyudon, Kakiagedon, Kimchidon, Oyakodon, Tendon, Unadon, and Yakiniku Don.1-Hana-Menu-donburi

1-Food-Donburi collage                       Yummy Donburi: CHICKEN TERIYAKIDON, GYUDON and KATSUDON                                                            (photos taken from the Facebook account: Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant)

Different versions of bento8 are on the menu: Chicken Teriyaki, Hana, Korroke, Salmon Teriyaki, Tempura, Tonkatsu, Torikatsu, and Beef/Pork Yakiniku.1-Hana-Menu-bento

1-Food-Beef Yakiniku BentoBEEF YAKINIKU BENTO, served with Miso Soup, Sashimi, Potato Salad, Plain Rice and Dessert, at Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant, Pagsanjan, Laguna

1-Food-Chicken Teriyaki Bento-ok CHICKEN TERIYAKI BENTO, served with Miso Soup, Sashimi, Potato Salad,  Plain Rice and Dessert, at Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant, Pagsanjan, Laguna

1-Food-Hana Bento HANA BENTO, served with Miso Soup, Sashimi, Shrimp Tempura, Beef Yakiniku, Potato Salad, Plain Rice and Dessert, at Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant, Pagsanjan, Laguna

Hana offers the following teppanyaki9 dishes: Chicken, Gyoza, Salmon/Tofu Steak, and Yasaiitame.1-Hana-Menu-Tepanyaki

1-Food-Tepanyaki collage                           Tempting Tepanyaki: BEEF TEPANYAKI and SALMON STEAK                                                                   (photos taken from the Facebook account: Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant)

There are eleven different kinds of yakkimono10: Beef/Chicken/Salmon Teriyaki, Saba/Salmon/SanmaSioyaki,Shougayaki, Unagi Kabayaki, Beef/Pork Yakiniku, Yakitori.1-Hana-Menu-yakimono

1-Food-Beef Yakiniku-fr Hana                              BEEF YAKINIKU – Photo source: Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant’s Facebook account

1-Food-Chicken Teriyaki and Plain Rice-OK                                  CHICKEN TERIYAKI served with Potato Salad

Hana also serves: two nabemono11– Shabu-Shabu and Sukiyaki; four ramen12– hiyashi, miso, shoyu, and yakiniku; seven soba13– kitsune, niku, tanuki, tori, ten zaru, yaki, and zaru; and five udon14– kitsune, niku, tanuki, tori, and yaki.1-Hana-Menu-nabemono




1-Food-Curry-Udon-Hana              CURRY UDON (limited period only) – Photo taken from Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant’s Facebook account

Angus beef15 selections are offered: Beef Teriyaki/Usuyaki/Yakiniku; Gyudon; Hana Bento; Kimchi Don; Niku/Soba/Udon; Shabu-shabu; Sukiyaki; Yakiniku Bento8/Don7/Ramen121-Hana-Menu-angus-beef

Hana also offes desserts and assorted drinks.1-Hana-Menu-desserts-drinks

1-Food-Shira Tama-OK                                       SHIRA TAMA, Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant

We recommend our favorites: Miso Soup, Salmon Sashimi3, Grilled Chicken Salad, Sukiyaki, Japanese Fried Rice, Shrimp Tempura, Chicken Teriyakidon and Tempura Ice Cream. I consider the price mid-range, although some people find it high.

1-Food-Miso soupTHE MISO SOUP is served hot and I enjoy this as a low-calorie/fat appetizer. It is not salty and the portion is just right.

1-Food-Grilled Chicken Salad The GRILLED CHICKEN SALAD is perfect for the diet-conscious guest or the guest  who wants to eat light. Try it!

1-Food-Sukuyaki SUKIYAKI (with egg) is served hot and good for sharing, dear Seniors! Just ask for smaller bowls. The broth is savory. The combination of all the ingredients results in the richness of this satisfying dish.

Food-Ebi-Tempura-fr Hana-okWhen I crave for fried food, I order SHRIMP TEMPURA. This delicious dish is served hot with a crispy coating of reasonably-sized shrimps. The dip is fine but I request for more grated horseradish.

1-Food-Tempura Ice CreamI order the TEMPURA ICE CREAM beforehand, and request that it be served when I have finished my main dish since it takes time to prepare and I want to enjoy it just right after preparation. Delightfully cold vanilla ice cream is covered with  a crispy tempura batter with the right amount of chocolate syrup, drizzled on top, prior to serving. It is the best way to finish a full meal at Hana! Seniors without diabetes, this is also for sharing.

Cash and credit card payments are accepted. Seniors, do not forget to present your Senior Citizen card for a discount.

The common rest room is decent, clean, and well-supplied. The sink for washing one’s hands is located immediately outside the rest room. Liquid soap, folded paper napkins are available and easily thrown in a garbage can.1-Hana-interior-3

This is not a sponsored post. I paid for all my visits in this restaurant.

Contact details: Cell phone Number – 09178752165; Facebook – Shin Hana Japanese Restaurant; Email:

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For those not familiar with Japanese or certain terms used in this post, I hope these footnotes will be helpful:

1A third place is a social venue for socializing. It could be a neighborhood restaurant, café, bar/pub, church, clubhouse, park, etc., as long as it accessible, welcoming/comfortable, free/inexpensive, involves regular/habitual congregation, and facilitates/fosters interaction among people. NOTE: The first place is one’s home; the second place is one’s workplace (for those working) or school (for those studying). Information is according to Wikipedia page “Third place”.17

2Maki, short for makizushi, is rolled sushi4 formed into a cylindrical piece using a bamboo mat called a makisu. It is generally wrapped in nori (dried seaweed) then cut into 6 or 8 pieces, for a single roll order. Information is according to Wikipedia page “Sushi”.18

3Sashimi is a Japanese dish consisting of thinly sliced, fresh, raw fish or meat, often served as the first course in a formal Japanese meal but may also be served as the main course. It is garnished with long thin strands of daikon (white radish) or single leaves of the shiso herb (perilla). It is served with soy sauce as a dipping sauce, along with condiments – wasabi paste (the hot Japanese green paste made from the wasabi rhizome), grated fresh ginger, and ponzu (Japanese dipping sauce made from fish flake broth — simmered from a mixture of fish flakes, mirin, rice vinegar and kombu, then cooled and strained — plus lime juice and soy sauce). Information is according to Wikipedia page “Sashimi”.19

4Sushi is a Japanese dish made of specially prepared vinegared medium grain white rice or brown rice combined with a variety of ingredients (e.g., raw/cooked seafood, vegetables, tropical fruits). Sushi can be served as an appetizer or as a main dish. Fillings, toppings, condiments (shoyu or soy sauce, wasabi, Japanese-style mayonnaise) and preparation vary widely. Information is according to Wikipedia page “Sushi”.18

5Agemono is the Japanese term for deep-fried dishes.

6Onigiri are Japanese rice balls made from white rice formed into balls, squares, cylinders, triangles or any novelty shape, filled and/or topped with desired ingredients. Onigiri are often wrapped in nori.

7Donburi is a Japanese rice bowl dish consisting of fish, meat, vegetables, and other ingredients simmered together and served over rice. It is sometimes shortened to “don”. Information is according to Wikipedia page “Donburi”.20

8Bento is a single portion Japanese meal, usually served in a square compartmentalized lacquerware, called a bento box, in Japanese restaurants. It generally consists of rice, fish/shrimp or meat, and pickled or cooked vegetables. It can be a home-packed meal or a take-out meal. Information is according to Wikipedia page “Bento”.21 In Hana, bento orders also come with miso soup and dessert.

9Teppanyaki is a style of Japanese cuisine that uses an iron griddle to cook food.

10Yakkimono is a Japanese dish, often served as an appetizer, made of pieces of marinated, skewered and grilled meat.

11Nabemono refers to Japanese hot pot dishes.

12Ramen is the Japanese term for a noodle soup consisting of Chinese-style wheat noodles, a meat/fish-based broth (often flavored with soy sauce or miso) with various toppings (e.g., chashu or sliced pork, menma or lactate-fermented bamboo shoots, negi or green onions, and nori or dried seaweed). Information is according to Wikipedia page “Ramen”.22

13Soba is the Japanese term for buckwheat. It usually refers to thin noodles made from buckwheat flour, or a combination of buckwheat and wheat flours. They contrast to thick wheat noodles, called udon14. Information is according to Wikipedia page “Soba”.23

14Udon is a type of Japanese thick wheat flour noodles, often served hot as a noodle soup, according to Wikipedia page “Udon”.24

15Angus beef is meat that comes from the Aberdeen Angus, originally a Scottish breed of small beef cattle, according to Wikipedia page “Angus cattle”.25 The meat is well marbled, more tender and flavorful than regular beef.

16Tazukuri refers to the crispy, candied anchovies or baby sardines, combined with sesame seeds and coated in a sweet honey soy sauce-sake glaze, usually served as a complimentary appetizer in Japanese restaurants, while waiting for one’s orders.

17“Third place”, accessed May 5, 2018,

18“Sushi”, accessed May 5, 2018,

19“Sashimi”, accessed May 5, 2018,

20“Donburi”, accessed May 5, 2018,

21“Bento”, accessed May 5, 2018,

22“Ramen”, accessed May 5, 2018,

23“Soba”, accessed May 5, 2018,

24“Udon”, accessed May 5, 2018,

25“Angus cattle”, accessed May 5, 2018,